You can't use flash in profiles by now. BuddyPoke uses because is a
whitelisted application to do it so, but they will also move to static
templates after June 15th.

On 2 jun, 02:21, Rohan Dighe <> wrote:
> Dear List Members,
> We are trying to embed a flash inside profile views but not able to view
> any changes.
> We tried the iframe approach but read on the archives that it is no
> longer supported.
> Please advice us a way in which we could do that effectively (we have
> seen buddy poke uses flash on profile view, we also need to do something
> similar)
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
> <Module>
>  <ModulePrefs title="asdf">    
>         <Require feature="dynamic-height"/>
>         <Require feature="analytics" />
>     <Require feature="opensocial-0.8"/>
>     <Require feature="views"/>
>     <Require feature="opensocial-data" />
>         <Require feature="opensocial-templates">
>         <Param name="process-on-server">true</Param>
>         </Require>
>     </ModulePrefs>
>   <Content type="html"  view="canvas">
>   <![CDATA[
>        <div id="mainarea">canvas content goes here....</div>
>   ]]>
>         </Content>
> <Content type="html" view="profile">
>  <![CDATA[
>         <script type="text/os-template" 
> xmlns:os=""; >
>         <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain">
>         <param name="allowFullScreen" value="false"><param name="FlashVars" 
> value="imagesStr=,";>
>         <param name="movie" 
> value="";><param 
> name="quality" value="high"><param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff">        
> <embed src=""; quality="high" 
> bgcolor="#ffffff" name="dribla4" allowscriptaccess="sameDomain" 
> allowfullscreen="false" 
> flashvars="imagesStr=,";
>  type="application/x-shockwave-flash" 
> pluginspage=""; align="middle" 
> height="350" width="531">
>        </script>
>     ]]>
> </Content>
>   </Module>
> Thanks & Regards,
> Rohan Dighe
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