Issue 1)   I have added 25 applications in my orkut account and when i
see my
profile view its showing me the details of 3 apps. However in my
account it showing me the details of all applications which i have

Issue 2)   When i remove any application from profile view, i am not
able to add
that application in profile view again, even when I change its
settings by
manage application link (check/uncheck - Add to my profile).
doesn’t get appear in profile.

Issue 3)   If i change the order of my applications it didn’t not
reflect in
that order in profile view.

Steps  to reproduce the problem - 2
1. Add new application to your account and then remove it from your
2. Go to it’s manage setting of application uncheck the - Add to my
profile link and save then again check it and save then too it won’t
added in your profile.

Steps to reproduce the problem - 3
1. Add few new applications to your account.
2. In the left pane of apps, change the order of applications and
check your profile.

Expected output of problem 1 & 3
Consistency should be maintained like it should display at least 3
according to the order of the apps added in user account.

Expected output of problem 2
When a user removes any app from his/her profile view then he/she can
it again the same.

output of problem 2
Add to my profile check box is not working. I didn't see any change if
cheek it or uncheck it.

output of problem 3
Customization of application order is not working in profile view.

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