Ok Sachin,with the help of Robson Dantas,I made some changes on my
code...the activity is posted,the message is shown,but the variable isn't
readed...for example it prints something like:"User give some undefinied
data"...the undefenied data is the variable...I will post the code,maybe you
can help me with this:
    <Content type="html" view="profile">
<b id = "ativ"</b>

    <Content type="html" view="canvas">



                       <script type="text/javascript">

                       var globalView =

                       function init()
                               requisitaPagina("path ");

                       function requisitaPagina(page)
                               var params={}

params[gadgets.io.RequestParameters.CONTENT_TYPE] =

                       // callback retornado a partir da funcao acima
                       function onPaginaCallback(ret)
                               var x = document.getElementById("teste");
                               x.innerHTML = ret.text;
                   function loadFriends() {
 var req = opensocial.newDataRequest();


 var viewerFriends = opensocial.newIdSpec({ "userId" : "VIEWER",
"groupId" : "FRIENDS" });
 var opt_params = {};
 opt_params[opensocial.DataRequest.PeopleRequestFields.MAX] = 100;
 req.add(req.newFetchPeopleRequest(viewerFriends, opt_params),

                       function enviaPost()

                               var destino = "/call_recharge";

                       var telefone =
                var username = document.getElementById("id_username").value;
                var password = document.getElementById("id_password").value;
                var carrier = document.getElementById("id_mobile_carrier");
                carrier = carrier.options[carrier.selectedIndex].value;

                // campos de post que serão enviados
                var postdata = {phone1: telefone, phone2: telefone,
mobile_carrier: carrier, username:username, password:password};
                          postdata = gadgets.io.encodeValues(postdata);

                               alert('postdata =' + postdata);

                               var params = {};
                               params[gadgets.io.RequestParameters.METHOD] =

params[gadgets.io.RequestParameters.POST_DATA]= postdata;


 function postActivity(destino,postdata){
    var title = 'cel do usuário:' + postdata.phone1;
 var params = {};
 params[opensocial.Activity.Field.TITLE] = title;
 var activity = opensocial.newActivity(params);
 function callbackAtividade(ret)
                       var z = document.getElementById("ativ");
                       z.innerHTML = ret.text;
                       <div id="post"><input type="submit"
value="ENVIAR POST"></div>
                       <div id="teste">conteudo</div>

2010/5/11 André Lima <azdr3mi...@gmail.com>

> Hello everybody...I am trying to make an activity on my aplication,but
> it don't work...i get some values of a html page that is outside of
> xml...there is no return,no message of update is show...i don't what
> is wrong,i will post the code here...maybe you can help me:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
> <Module>
>    <ModulePrefs title="..."
>    directory_title="..."
>    description="...."
>   screenshot="..."
>    title_url="http://www.counttonine.com";
>    author="Ted Mosby"
>    author_email="..."
>    author_link="http://www.counttonine.com/aboutUs.htm";
>    author_location="..."
>    author_affiliation="Count to Nine"
>    height="370"
>    scrolling="false"
>    author_aboutme="..."
>    author_photo="..."
>    author_quote="..."
>    thumbnail="...">
>     <Preload href = "http://netmony.marestelecom.net/gadget/
> recharge/"/>
>     <Require feature = "opensocial-0.8"/>
> </ModulePrefs>
>  <Content type="url" href="http://netmony.marestelecom.net/gadget/
> recharge/ <http://netmony.marestelecom.net/gadget/%0Arecharge/>">
> <![CDATA[
>  <script type = "text/javascript">
> var globalFriends = {};
> function callbackCustom(responseItem){
> if(responseItem.hadError()){
>  if responseItem.getErrorCode(){ ==
> opensocial.ResponseItem.ERROR.NOT_IMPLEMENTED){
> alert("not implemented");
> }else{
> alert("success!" + rensponseItem.getErrorCode());
> }
> var returnData = rensponseItem.getData();
> }
>  function postActivity(text){
>   var url = 'http://netmony.marestelecom.net/gadget/recharge/';
>   opt_params = {};
>  opt_params[gadgets.io.RequestParameters.CONTENT_TYPE] =
> gadgets.io.ContentType.TEXT;
>   gadgets.io.makeRequest(url,opt_params,callback);
>    var price = document.getElementById('id_price');
>       url = gadgets.io.encodeValues(price);
>  var text =  'Compra de recarga.' +
> globalFriends.getById(viewerFriends).getDisplayName() 'comprou' +
> price.value 'reais de recarga de operadora Y.';
>  var params = {};
>  params[opensocial.Activity.Field.TITLE] = text;
>  var activity = opensocial.newActivity(params);
> opensocial.requestCreateActivity(opensocial,opensocial.CreateActivityPriority.HIGH,callbackCustom);
>  }
>        function loadFriends() {
>          var req = opensocial.newDataRequest();
>         req.add(req.newFetchPersonRequest("VIEWER"), 'viewer');
>   var viewerFriends = opensocial.newIdSpec({ "userId" : "VIEWER",
> "groupId" : "FRIENDS" });
>                                        var opt_params = {};
>  opt_params[opensocial.DataRequest.PeopleRequestFields.MAX] = 100;
>         req.add(req.newFetchPeopleRequest(viewerFriends, opt_params),
> 'viewerFriends');
>          var viewer = opensocial.newIdSpec({ "userId" : "VIEWER" });
>        req.send(postActivity);
> }
>    function init(){
> loadFriends();
> }
> gadgets.util.registerOnLoadHandler(init);
> </script>
>  ]]>
> </Content>
> </Module>
> --
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