Hi Glauber,

Doubtless, this is and always has been a serious concern. In the past,
we have acted several times against all offending apps that have been
reported to us, but handling this manually for every report is of
course not feasible or scalable. Perhaps we need to tighten the reins
and impose stricter rules on app submissions, but beyond a point even
that cannot guarantee that they will not end up making it to the app
directory (like the ones you pointed out to).

I have forwarded your mail to the concerned product managers here at
Google. We would also be happy to receive any suggestions you and the
community may have for tackling this.


On May 27, 3:02 am, Glauber <glauber...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This is not the first time I'm trying to alert this serious problem.
> The app directory is infested with many porn apps. Some of them are
> listed for several months. Why you guys do not remove them?
> List of some porn 
> apps:http://www.orkut.com.br/Main#AppDirectory?dirFilters=&dirQuery=18
> This critic issue must be addressed with priority number 1. Do someone
> consider how many kids are easily exposed to these images?
> It is not enough to prevent the installation. These apps must be
> banned from directory list once for all.

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