- Removed tabs on profile: it's true that was complicated to setup,
but for the user browsing around, I think it's a major lost to have
only one thing chosen. If I chose an application, "my visitor" can't
see my "about me" section. The new "option" button it's better than
before, but it could allow arrange the order of the sections, so I
could choose something like 3 tabs to show.

- Is it possible to have an "applications" link besides "start profile
communities" links on top?

- I agree with others that description was important. At least
something like http://www.agame.com/games/new.html, where I can see
the description on mouseover without a server trip.

- I should be able to rearrange the app order. The app I use the most
is the last, it would be nice to setup it as the first one.

- The "createActivity" box could be updated to the new layout rules
(new buttons, bigger font, etc).

- Search apps textbox is not working on enter keypress.

- On "my apps", when I click the app, I see the description,
screenshot, etc. But to play it, I have to close the box and then
click the play link. Maybe a play link inside the box would help.

- On application canvas page, it is a bit annoying to have "Promote"
fixed on app list. I did not choose this app, it seems a little bit

- In orkut interface in general, when I click a dropdown button, the
list appers below. But when I click again, maybe it should hide it the
list, and not show it again. This is all around, like in the app list
on the canvas page.

On Aug 1, 8:09 am, anatoly <anato...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Overall it look better, IMHO.
> A couple of concerns and questions.
> 1) Does this mean we now have a wider canvas?
> Can we design safely for the new width I mean what chances are it
> might switch to the older width in the future?
> 2) Selecting/checking profile view with select box + radio buttons
> seems very confusing.
> 3) I agree with previous comments that description is needed in the
> app directory. Name + thumbnail are not enough.
> 4) Orkut in sandbox in IE is not rendering correctly for me on IE 8
> win 7 with pretty standard configuration.
> OK on FF. I've already sent a screenshot to orkut team.

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