hi all, i am triying to get my friends list with my app in orkut via REST,
but osapi php client keeps giving errors like this:

[INFO][Wed, 30 Mar 11 17:32:27 +0000] - HTTP Request [INFO][Wed, 30 Mar 11
17:32:27 +0000] -

  'url' => string
  'method' => string 'POST' *(length=4)*
  'body' => string
  'headers' =>
      0 => string 'Content-Type: application/json' *(length=30)*

[INFO][Wed, 30 Mar 11 17:32:27 +0000] - HTTP Response [INFO][Wed, 30 Mar 11
17:32:27 +0000] -

  'http_code' => int 401
  'data' => string '<HTML>
<TITLE>OAuth Authentication FailureOAuth Authentication Failure</TITLE>
<H1>OAuth Authentication FailureOAuth Authentication Failure</H1>
<H2>Error 401</H2>
' *(length=235)*
  'headers' =>
      0 => string 'Content-Type: application/json' *(length=30)*



which could be the problem? my app is a game running "inside" orkut, and it
is verified but not in testing nor published.
the most annoying thing is that the samples packed with
opensocial-php-client are running perfectly fine, but my app dont... :'(

thanks in advance!!!


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