Me too, same issue for about 15 days now.

Both new and old Orkut, both production and sandbox.

On 3 abr, 09:50, as <> wrote:
> I'm having the same issue since last week and still going on.
> On 1 abr, 17:55, "Bruno Oliveira (\"btco\")" <>
> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > The New Developer Page says "No Donut For You" when (amongst other
> > circumstances) it can't verify the security token you specified. Sure, a
> > better message would be something like "Can't verify security token" --
> > we're fixing that :-)
> > I've just tried sending an app now on prod sandbox and it seems to be
> > working fine.
> > -
> > Bruno Oliveira (Google)

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