Gary Winiger wrote:
>>>     I've missed seeing the specification that pcitool will be
>>>     added to Maintenane and Repair and with what attributes.
>>>>     See
>>>>     for how to add to the RBAC databases.
>>>     I'm happy to coach how to deliver into the RBAC databases should
>>>     the best practice not be sufficient for the project team.
>> I've read the link above, and I believe I just need to... (please 
>> correct if wrong)  add the line:
>> Maintenance and Repair:solaris:cmd:::/usr/sbin/pcitool:privs=all
>> to usr/src/lib/libsecdb/exec_attr.txt
>       This is correct and says implicitly that there is no special
>       uid requirement.
>       If you need assistance in the delivery mechanism, let me know.
>> That's right, something left over from the old PSARC case, which I 
>> removed now.  Updated manpage included
>       My issues are all addressed.  I'll give it a +1.
> Gary..
Thanks.  I'll mark this case closed approved then.

    -- Garrett

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