Correct.  The latest Python release within Solaris is version 2.6.  The
other versions (2.4 and 2.5) are deprecated.  See PSARC 2009/043 for
details.  I have included a short quote from the description section of
that case.



     Python 2.6 and 3.0 are not fully compatible with the currently
     shipping Python 2.5 and Python 2.4 releases.  All of the above
     Python versions are parallel installable, however, ideally only
     one version should be included in the default installation.
     New projects should target 2.6 or 3.0.  Existing projects in
     Solaris should migrate to 2.6 or 3.0.

Cyril Plisko wrote:
> On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 9:21 AM, James Walker
> <jw137282 at> wrote:
>> I'm sponsoring this familiarity case for Drew Fisher. The requested
>> release binding is minor. The man page and pydoc has been posted in the
>> materials directory.
>> Interfaces
>> ==========
>>        Exported Interfaces                     Classification  Comment
>>        -------------------                     --------------  -------
>>        SUNWlogilab-common                      Uncommitted     Package
>>        /usr/lib/python2.4/vendor-packages/logilab/common
>>                                                Uncommitted     Python Library
> What about Python 2.6 ? Isn't all the newly integrated  stuff need to
> support Python 2.6 ?

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