Sounds like this is a good way forward.  I do have two questions though:

1) Synchronization with audio... you had told me at one point that one 
of the time sources was an audio source that emitted a tone at specific 
intervals -- such that accurate timing information was critical for 
you.  Have you tested with Boomer?  Will this project rely on, or make 
use of, the OSS API that is being integrated with Boomer?  (PSARC 2008/318)

2) Suspend/resume interaction.  One of the problems that we've been 
discussing lately is NTP getting out of sync on a resume event.  How 
well does the new NTP code deal with this?  There is SIGTHAW delivered 
on a resume, but you might not get it "right away" -- and SIGFREEZE is 
useless because you might not get that until *after* the system has 
resumed from a suspend cycle.   Anyway, I'm interested to know what work 
has been done here, and what needs still to be done.  I'm willing to 
help out, since I have similar issues for audio drivers, and I think 
Randy is willing to help as well.


    -- Garrett

Brian Utterback wrote:
> Template Version: @(#)sac_nextcase 1.68 02/23/09 SMI
> This information is Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems
> 1. Introduction
>     1.1. Project/Component Working Name:
>        Upgrade NTP to Version 4
>     1.2. Name of Document Author/Supplier:
>        Author:  Brian Utterback
>     1.3  Date of This Document:
>       17 April, 2009
> 4. Technical Description
> Upgrade NTP to version 4.
> This project proposes to remove the current version 3.4 NTP 
> deliverables and replace them with version 4.2.5. The current
> version in Solaris was released 11 years ago. The NTP project
> has continued to advance the code base for the entire time. 
> This will be done by removing the current SUNWntpr and SUNWntpu
> packages from the ON consolidation and move them to the more
> appropriate SFW consolidation. In addition to the replacements
> for the current deliverables, the packages will include man pages
> and HTML documentation.
> While not 100% backwards compatible, the incompatibilities in the
> configuration file are mostly semantic in nature rather than 
> syntatic, with the only major exceptions being in Sun added features, 
> which we will not be adding. However, because of the popularity of
> the "slewalways" feature, the startup method will detect the 
> presence of this Sun added keyword and configure the NTP daemon to 
> use the NTP version 4 equivalent.  
> The NTP community project, while not having an explicit requirement
> for backwards compatibility, in 11 years 
> of development, including a full re-write of the configuration
> code, has had no major incompatibilities were introduced. 
> The NTP community is very receptive to contributed code and 
> integration of features needed by Solaris. I am a committer on
> the NTP project and I expect to work with the community to 
> push all fixes and changes back into the community codebase.
> While the man pages are derived from the HTML documentation, they
> are specific to these deliverables and as far as possible complete and
> accurate regarding them.  The HTML documenation, is delivered "as is"
> and may or may not reflect the deliverables. A notice to this effect is
> included in the man pages.
> This work is being sponsored by chris.armes at
> This project seeks a minor release binding. 
> This project supercedes PSARC 2001/162, which should considered 
> withdrawn.
> 6. Resources and Schedule
>     6.4. Steering Committee requested information
>       6.4.1. Consolidation C-team Name:
>               SFW
>     6.5. ARC review type: FastTrack
>     6.6. ARC Exposure: open

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