Hi Danek,

Danek Duvall wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 15, 2008 at 06:38:39PM +0100, Erwann Chenede wrote:
>>> So is there any point in putting compiz-configure in /usr/bin?  Seems like
>>> it's a Private implementation detail at the moment.
>> True, what is the preferred location installation for these Private 
>> implementation detail ?
> /usr/lib.  Make a subdirectory if you're finding that a bunch of things
> from your project are ending up there.
Ok, I'll put that in /usr/lib/compiz as the name space is already used 
for compiz plugins.
>>> On a related note, are either the plugin API or ABI Public interfaces?
>> The plugin API is private as it is evolving from version to version. This 
>> is why I didn't mentioned it. Should I mention it ?
> It's probably worth mentioning, yeah, just so everyone's aware it's not a
> Public interface.  Though the ABI is more interesting as a Private
> interface, since end-users will still have to deal with the consequences of
> it evolving.
Ok, I'll mention it.

JohnF can you add in 4.5 :
compiz plugin API                Private                interface used 
by compiz to interact with its plugins.
compiz plugin ABI                Private                this ABI doesn't 
yet reflect a standard it is changing from version to version.
>>>>>> /usr/bin/gtk-window-decorator   Uncommitted    Executable of gtk 
>>>>>> decorator
>>> Is it something the user would ever run, or is it an implementation detail
>>> of compiz?
>> Yes,users can switch between decorators as other window decorators exist 
>> for example emerald (http://wiki.compiz-fusion.org/Decorators/Emerald)
> Ah, I see.  gtk-window-decorator is a window decorator, just like emerald.
> I was expecting it to be a generic window decorator which then took plugins
> like emerald.  I was going to ask about the name, since it seems more
> specific to gtk than to compiz, but I see now.
> I presume there's a gui way of changing decorators, too?
Yes, via gconf-editor or ccsm or via the command line by running the 
decorators command line with  --replace as an argument.

> Danek

              Erwann Ch?ned?,
 Desktop Group, Sun Microsystems, Grenoble
 Phone  : +33 476 188 358       ext: 38358
[ I speak for myself, not for my employer ]

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