> At Sun, we _must_ use Solaris10 as the Baseline for discussions about
future changes simply because we plan on building Solaris11 on the
OpenSolaris foundation. Our customers will upgrade from Solaris10,
and will expect their applications to continue working.

One of the great assets of OpenSolaris is that Sun people are involved to drive 
development forward. However, Sun itself has another interest than OpenSolaris. 
OpenSolaris wants to move forward at a faster pace than Solaris, possibly 
implementing functionality which simply breaks the precious binary 
compatibility (and it will..just think about reimplementing the "closed" parts. 
I don't see that happening without breaking it that compatibility, either by 
accident or by design). That's a conflict of interest. In effect you get two 
different strains of Solaris. The one which Sun maintains, and the one which is 
ran by "the community". Question is; how will that relationship pan out when 
development of Solaris really takes Sun's priority, effectively reprioritizing 
a large part of the OpenSolaris community's tasks and activities (those of the 
Sun employees). As time progresses OpenSolaris will run ahead of the music, and 
introduce incomaptibilites with Solaris. That's inevitable. It's called 
"progress". Not everyone will agree with it (mostly Sun, they made a promise), 
sure, but for OpenSolaris to remain interesting for both its users and 
developers it must give room to implement features its community wants. Whether 
that breaks binary compatibility or not.

What I see sofar is that a lot of people are trying to hold back OpenSolaris 
progress with the excuse of Sun making a promise of being "binary compatible" 
with everything Sun (and other vendors) has made in the last two decades. I 
don't see that promise being relevant to OpenSolaris since Sun will develop its 
own version of Solaris anyway. Sun can keep its promise, and OpenSolaris can 
move forward on its own. The only worry would be the large contigent of Sun 
Solaris people in the OpenSolaris community who push their own (and probably 
Sun's) interests (and the risk of losing that group when commercial priorities 

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