On Mon, Aug 01, 2005 at 04:58:02AM -0700, Daniel Johnsen wrote:
> 1b. Btw, why doesnt sun share the development process of zfs with the 
> community ? Like integrating it into the opensolaris release, but not as the 
> default root filesystem. It would be very clever to get a lot of beta-testing 
> for the filesystem, from a lot of users. Ok maybe its still not ready to get 
> tested but
> anyway, will sun release the zfs for testing, or will they wait until its 
> finished and ready for production-use ? If it will opened for testing (before 
> the final release), when would this happen (approximal) ? I heart the final 
> zfs wont be released this year.

The first thing to note is that the OpenSolaris release is a subset of
Solaris, and therefore the same rules and principles of Solaris
development.  One of the most important principles being "FCS quality
all the time" - which means that integrating a project that is 95%
complete is not an option.  Whether the release continues to be managed
in this way is a topic for another discussion, but for the moment it's

The ZFS team and others within the organization also discussed the
possibility of making the ZFS project gate public on opensolaris.org.
This is obviously a direction we want to go in the future, but it was
decided that this move would ultimately delay integration into Nevada.
Besides being the first team to undertake this task, there is additional
work regarding support, website content, patents, legal review, etc.
that would sideline the ZFS team when they should be working on the code
itself.  Hosting a project in the open is certainly a good thing - but
taking a project that's 95% complete and trying the same thing is
probably not the best plan.

- Eric

Eric Schrock, Solaris Kernel Development       http://blogs.sun.com/eschrock
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