On 8/19/05, W. Wayne Liauh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Looks like this issue is dead, RIP? ? ?  No one cares to continue? ? ?

I would like to see some local OpenSolaris user groups in Beijing, Shanghai, etc.
I am a little disappointed this hasn't happened (at least not announced) yet,
given that fact that Sun has a big center in Beijing and supposedly many interesting work
is being done over there, according to some blogs.

If you want to influence Chinese EDU, nothing is more effective than setting
up user groups in one those major universities, like
pku.edu.cn , tsinghua.edu.cn, fudan.edu.cn, sjtu.edu.cn etc.
, or even Solaris courses.

Lots of talents there for sure, e.g.

I would also assume people in China like to use mail-list/webforums based on local servers,
which means faster access time ( the Internet bandwidth between US and China are
still lacking given the huge amount of users on both sides) and native langurage interface.

If you search for "Solaris 论坛" on google or baidu, you will find quite a few places
(may not be Solaris specific, but Unix in general), like this one seems to be
very active and interesting:


The 3rd post (sticky) is called "Solaris BBS Friends Big-Union" ( my translation sucks, I know),
there're 795 signitures (including contact information! Sun sales/marketing: take notes!) since 2003-11-04.

If you come to OpenSolaris.org for general techincal discussions/questions, you would rather
go directly to the relevant list, such as dtrace-discuss, wouldn't you?

This is not meant to be negative to the idea, if you do setup a community here,
I will definitly subscribe to the list and join the discussion.

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