vijayanand writes:
> I am able to see /dev/ip in my solaris box. But i'm having problem with the 
> following command,

What version of Solaris?

> $ ndd -get /dev/ip \?
> open of /dev/ip failed: Permission denied

That's normal.

> When I was searching for a solution in internet, I found the following 
> workaround ....
> - replace the following line in /etc/security/device_policy :

That file is new in Solaris 10.  If you don't have it, then I'd
suspect you aren't running Solaris 10.

I also don't think that changing this entry (if you had it) would be

> But unfortunately I couldn't find the file 'device_policy' under 
> /etc/security. I'm a beginner and struggling to find a solution for this.

You need to have sufficient privileges to open /dev/ip.  One simple
way to solve the problem is to become root -- su or sudo.

A more robust but harder way to do it is to give 'ndd' the right
privileges in /etc/security/exec_attr and then assign yourself to a
profile that has the right authorization and use pfexec or one of the
profile shells.  You can read more about this in rbac(5).

James Carlson, KISS Network                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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