That seems broken, but I suppose that's my non-ON point of view, coming
from consolidations where the engineer marks the bug "fix available" when
they submit the fix for code review and "integrated" when they putback to
the master gate.   Perhaps ON needs to reconsider how it uses the fields.
(Of course, having the bugs.o.o website show "Fix in progress" for anything
from "Bug filed, but being ignored" to "Fixed but not yet integrated" makes
 this doubly hard for external contributors.)

ON allows "Fix available" to be set after integration, but most folks don't do this; we could make this a best practice and key off of it in the bug view, but it would still be up to each engineer to do this manually since there isn't a automated tool to handle this. Setting the bug to "Fix integrated" is only done by the gatekeepers after the close of the build as noted earlier.

One other problem that I've noticed is that for bugs which have an external contributor assigned you can't see the external contributor in the bug report view. Instead you have to search the list of sponsored bugs looking there, which isn't intuitive and is more work.

- Eric

Eric Lowe       Solaris Kernel Development     Austin, Texas
Sun Microsystems.  We make the net work.       x40577/+1(512)366-9080
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