Hello - I'm a sysadmin with solaris and now experimenting with Linux (at the 
moment SuSE 10.1 via VMware).

Interestingly - I've been using VMware - but to run Linux instead of solaris.

I've found that sometimes (oddly) "telling" (or trying) an installation routine 
in YaST again (or performing a reboot and then retrying) helps.

Although - it seems your experiment with installing Solaris via VMware hasn't 
brought you to a true installation.

Try wiping the current installation (completely, the solaris installation, not 
VM ware) and re-create the solaris VM machine.

Did you point the CD-Rom device to go to the first ISO image of the Solaris 

Don't forget the boot cdrom if you happen to be at init 0 (prom) level of 

Oh, if you decide to install the VMware tools - only do so AFTER you take a 
"snapshot" of your machine's initial installation.

Allow more room (if you can) for various slices than the typical setup.  For 
instance - when (or if) you decide to apply the bundled package of patches for 
Solaris - it will increase your slice size (aka partition).  

Oh, what version of Solaris were you attempting to install via VMware?

Chances are I may be "barking up the wrong tree" for your answer here - but 
I'll throw this out anyway - Solaris 10 has a little more demand for RAM and 
disk space than a Solaris 9 installation.  

You might find the NSA's publically-available configuration guide (focuses on 
security, but goes step-by-step on a solaris load, their other manuals are good 
(the link above has other installation guides for other operating systems)

The above link is for Solaris 9 - if you're using Solaris 10 - only portions of 
that guide may be helpful - if at all...

The Sun Docs has info on a solaris install:
That's for solaris 9

Solaris 10 guides (docs.sun.com)

Solaris 10 sysadmin collection:

Good luck - hopefully at least some of what I gave may help
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