Chris Lemire wrote:
This happens with CDE only. JDS works fine with no
problems. The errors are probably from missing fonts
that Linux doesn't have that Solaris does have. What
should I do or which packages should I install?

      [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ Xnest -ac -query solaris :1
      Could not init font path element
/usr/share/fonts/X11/TTF/, removing from list!

Some of these are probably TrueType fonts that you may not have. Unless you can get equivalent Freetype fonts to work instead.

As for the rest, one option might be to start the font server on the Solaris box ("man xfs") and then put a pointer to this in the font path. For example, on the Linux box: "xset fp+ tcp/solaris:7100". But if you don't have Truetype support inside Xnest then this won't help.

The other option is to setup .Xdefaults to tell CDE to use different fonts that you have. For example, look in /usr/dt/config/$LANG and/or /usr/dt/app-defaults.


PS: another option might be:

     ssh solarisbox Xnest -display debian:0   ...
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