> > I'm doing some serious comparison to decide what to
> do with some old USIII 900 servers.
> What do you mean by the 900?  900MHz US-III - you
> quite 750MHz below.

We have on production several servers using USIII 900Mhz and 1200Mhz
and seriously thinking on replacing them with Opterons.

I've reported some tests done on my old Blade1000 with USIII 750Mhz.
> > gino$ time ./doit
> ptime(1m) is supposed to be more reproducable, but
> does not time child processes (are there
> any?) of the command;  

no, single process.

> > Is that possible??  a USIII 750 faster than a Xeon
> 2.4Ghz??
> > Could that be related to cache size?
> Yes, or any number of other things.  Even the old
> sparc processors have bigger l2 caches
> than all but the very latest x86 cpus.  The caches
> are different not just in size
> but in architecture - where misses are filled to,
> indexing, cacheline size, associativity etc
> and it looks like the combination on the USIII 750MHz
> *may* have suited this app very nicely.
> But you also need to consider other factors such as
> system memory size.  Was it the
> same OS version used in each case?

Same OS. All systems used in my tests are with 4GB or 8GB memory
and only doing my test.
> > Also I've seen that Opteron 4CPU boxes are going
> slow when there are a lot of process runnning ...
> That's never been my experience.

Also other sysadmin I know found the same when switched from Sparc to Opteron...
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