>> My ---initial testing--- between a 4x880 Opteron and SF4800 12x USIII
>> 1200 Mhz are showing lower load on the SF4800 when more than 10.000 process 
>> >>running.
>> Anyway doing benchmark is not easy :)
>Load average isn't interesting. What is interesting is throughput...

Why "load average" is not interesting?
(if I remember well load value is # of runnable process waiting for cpu ...)
Anyway I found much more throughput on the SF4800.

>Now, I can well believe that 12 CPUs w/ 8M caches handle
>10K processes more gracefully than 4 CPUS w/ 1M caches...
>What were you expecting to happen?

Unfortunately my experience on SPARC is low.
Usually, on application with few single threads, I've found SPARC really slow.

Now I'm working with an application that is showing really good performance on 
old USIII cpu and I'm trying to see if company choice to move to Opterons 
(based on SPEC numbers over $$ :) ) is really a good choice.

So I'm asking for other opinions/experiences, like yours :)

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