Hi Peter,
It seems like a lot of what you want to accomplish could be done within the realms of the 'Appliances'[1] community. If the discussion leads to a point where you have code to release, or a more committed open development model - then it would be easy to then open a Honeycomb project.


[1] http://opensolaris.org/os/community/appliances/

Peter Buckingham wrote:
Hi John,

you seem to have summed up the situation reasonably well. I have a few comments in-line below.

John Plocher wrote:
You seem to be lacking a few important things, though:

    A vision/roadmap for an open community that is more than
    a "Sun Honeycomb Product Enthusiast Group", and

We have some ideas on how to do this, but we think that a community could help us target the most appropriate way to do this.

The simple thing to do would just be to release the SDK/API and emulator source code. If this is what a Honeycomb community would want then that's what we would probably do.

    An indication that such a community could succeed;
    that your product group (with its internal politics...)
    is willing/able to move outside and delegate leadership
    and responsibility to non-Sun employees.

The issues are more about deciding _how_ to open Honeycomb, it is not one of _if_. If I haven't made that clear my bad.

Your current proposal sounds more like "we've got a cool product
and we want to create a developer community around it" than the
more traditional open source "here is all the code for this cool
thing we did - play with it, build your own versions, and, oh, by
the way, if you feel motivated, come work with us to make it better
for everyone".

Unfortunately yeah, this is kind of what it is. Plus we have a promise of release code in the future.

I guess the decision the Open Solaris community needs to make is if it is about building developer communities for Solaris-based appliances, or if there is a more appropriate place to do this...


stephen lau // [EMAIL PROTECTED] | 650.786.0845 | http://whacked.net
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