On Fri, 2 Feb 2007, Stephen Harpster wrote:

> Who maintains the code on that CVS server?  If there's a bug in virtual
> memory, who fixes it?  The experts are here in Sun, and they will
> continue to work on opensolaris.org.  OpenSolaris is too large and

That's a dangereous assertion.  What it Jeff Bezos[1] decided to spend
more than the (??) $480m he spent last year on software development and
made some people at Sun an offer they could not refuse.  Or decided to put
half of his software development $s into creating a Ubuntu like
OpenSolaris alternative.  Then there is Google with enough budget to put
3,000 people to work on any project they wish to...

Who was it that said (something like) no one company can have all the
technical talent (on staff).

> complex for even a small set of people to maintain an entire separate fork.

Simply not true and not borne out by history.  Was'nt ZFS developed by a
small team.  Dtrace by 3 people.  BSD, before it was open sourced was a 5
or 6 person (??) team.

> OK, they could pull bug fixes from opensolaris.org, but what happens to
> them once one of their changes doesn't work with our changes?  That's
> the biggest danger of a fork.  You're constantly playing catch-up.

Not true.  In a race you're either leading or following.  It's only
wishful thinking to suggest that Sun will always be the leader (altough
I'd _like to_ think it would).

> If someone wants to do that, they can do that now.  Knock yourself out.
... snip ....

[1] there is some evidence to suggest that he is the ultimate geek who
just likes to build software systems and rockets and anything else that
strikes his fancy and does not seem compelled to justify his technobudget
to anyone.


Al Hopper  Logical Approach Inc, Plano, TX.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
           Voice: 972.379.2133 Fax: 972.379.2134  Timezone: US CDT
OpenSolaris.Org Community Advisory Board (CAB) Member - Apr 2005
             OpenSolaris Governing Board (OGB) Member - Feb 2006
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