On Mon, Mar 05, 2007 at 10:02:32AM -0800, Alan Coopersmith wrote:

> The system for choosing core contributors is notably flawed in that
> it only recognizes people working with Communities, not Projects or
> distros.   (For instance, Roland wasn't initially listed because

This is not a flaw in the process but a flaw in the leadership of the
various Communities which should be following more closely the various
Projects which are or should be relevant to their areas of interest.

> ksh93 is a Project, not a Community, and hasn't been affiliated with
> any Community groups, yet he's one of the biggest contributors in

That's the defect - I'd like to know why the System Administration
Community, to name but one obvious example, has endorsed other
projects but not that one (it's their prerogative to make that choice,
but it seems as likely as not that it represents ignorance or
incompleteness rather than a conscious choice).  One would expect that
with that recognition of the project itself would come contributor and
core contributor status for some or all of the major participants in
the project, provided that it is seen to have made significant
progress toward integration.

> reality.   Similarly, is your qemu project affiliated with any
> community?  If so, ask the leaders of that community why you weren't
> included.)

Exactly - that's the right place to start, not with the OGB and not
with the process itself.  If the Community leaders are unresponsive or
don't appear to have any sound rationale for denying endorsement,
escalation to the OGB may be appropriate.  The OGB should never force
a Community to endorse a Project; presumably the Communities are the
repository of technical knowledge and leadership and are expected to
make value judgments about the viability and desirability of ongoing
work.  But denying endorsement by failing to maintain awareness of
relevant projects, because of personality conflicts, or for other
reasons not related to a project's technical merit is a problem well
within the OGB's mandate to address.

Suffice it to say that dealing with Community failure is one of the
deeper challenges facing the new OGB.  Community leaders are advised
to put their houses in order sooner rather than later, and to seek
dissolution if adequate leadership cannot be found or a sensible
definition of scope cannot be agreed upon.

Keith M Wesolowski              "Sir, we're surrounded!" 
FishWorks                       "Excellent; we can attack in any direction!" 
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