Brian Gupta writes:
> > GNU/Linux has had a long and illustrious history of ignoring standards
> > when it suits them. I have no interest in seeing Solaris travel down
> > that same path.
> The opposite could be said about Solaris. A) Solaris has an
> illustrious history of adopting useless standards,

That part is pretty well true.  Anyone remember XFN?

In fairness, I think the people who worked on that were actually
trying to do something more ambitious: they were trying to define and
popularize a new standard.  Doing that means taking some risks.
Specifically, it means implementing something that perhaps nobody will

Compared with the usual approach of implementing things long after
everyone else has them, I believe it's a risk I wish more people would

> and b) solaris has
> an illustrious history of not meeting a needs if there is any conflict
> with a standard.

I don't believe that's true at all.

We go to _great_ lengths to separate out standards-conformant
environments from legacy and things that are evolving.  This requires
quite a bit of engineering work, and it's something that I see few
other platforms looking at closely.  Too many end up mixing evolving
and legacy bits (causing breakage for existing customers) or fail to
separate out standards (thus falling short of the goal).

Can you cite relevant cases where Solaris (or, rather, you mean to say
"Sun engineering") has done what you're suggesting?  Are any of them

James Carlson, Solaris Networking              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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