> I have at least three textbooks here on Java
> programming in front of me and
> I actually went back to University of Toronto for a
> semester to study Java
> programming.  Sort of a super fast way to learn this
> technology.

Now there's a way to make oneself marketable in the "street corner programmer" 

> I have every intention of writing a graphical
> installer tool in Java because
> it does work just fine thank you.
> are you trolling or what ?

No. Every sysadmin I've ever met, and every system engineer I've ever met for 
that matter, hates Java. "Developers" love it. It's the darling of 

> because man, you know I don't work for Sun and I sure
> as hell will stand up
> and say that Java was ( and still is ) one of the
> better technological
> creations to come out of silicon valley.  Ever.
>  Remember the great "keep it
> ure" commercials way back when?  Well I still think
> that its possible to
> write once and then run everywhere ... if done right.
> man .. talk about laying an egg in public ... what
> are you thinking ?

I'm thinking that Java failed to deliver on the promise of "write once, run 
anywhere". Java programs developed on Windows do not, up to this present day, 
work on Solaris; it's a revision dependency hell - for example, Java 
1.6.whatever broke Azaureus; Legato NetWorker front end busts with Java 1.5.0 
even though it says it should work and "to ignore the warning".

Java is SLOW. Look at the Tomcat JSP mess. The whole thing is a disgrace.

And the biggest winners, or sinners:

- Except with GCJ, Java can't be compiled to machine code, and even with GCJ, 
the process is complex

- Java is COMPLICATED even for the simplest of tasks

"public static void main" - was "papa Gosling" on LSD taking a "trip" when he 
was designing the syntax of the language?

Bonus: looky looky, Java needs TONS of RAM.

So, if that's me "laying an egg in public", yes, that's right, I'll stand up 
and be the first to say it publicly, and hopefully, someday I'll get the 
opportunity to say it right to Gosling's face:

Java sucks dead bunnies through a bent straw sideways!
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