On Thu, May 31, 2007 at 02:04:46PM +1200, Glynn Foster wrote:

> No where did I mention a reference distribution - I agree, we're not
> necessarily at that point yet. Maybe we can schedule a discussion at
> next week's OGB meeting?

We can, but I think it would be premature.  First, I was making
assertions only about how I would respond to a project proposal for a
reference distribution under the current circumstances.  Others might
feel differently, and in any case there's no such proposal.  If or
when a Group seeks to sponsor one with that or similar language, that
would seem to be the right time to hold such a discussion.  Until a
Group submits something that conforms to the general form required by
OGB/2007/001, everything is hypothetical, which was the point of my
original message.

> Outside what is already listed in the description, we're getting
> into project management territory of which I'd like to think people
> could get involved and express their views - much of what make up an
> eventual distribution would be the projects that are their own
> separate entities (eg. Caiman). I don't believe either
> opensolaris-discuss or ogb-discuss is an appropriate forum for this.

Agree completely - these are issues to work through with members of
the project team, the Community Group from which you seek sponsorship,
and the broader collection of interested people.  Presumably the
actual project proposal(s) that come out of that process will reflect
that.  Really, if the Distributions Group wrote and endorsed a
properly-formed and suitably scoped request (with at least high-level
dependencies on other projects identified) to create an umbrella
project with the goal of producing a new distribution, I don't see any
reason that request should not be approved expeditiously.  If that
project will need work done in one or more consolidations, those
projects could be agreed upon and proposed later.  Naturally, that
approach increases the risk of later misunderstandings, loss of focus,
and fracture, but again these are all issues for the sponsoring Group
and the project team.  A track record of failure in certain types of
projects might lead the OGB to alter some processes later, but direct
involvement should not otherwise be needed.

Keith M Wesolowski              "Sir, we're surrounded!" 
FishWorks                       "Excellent; we can attack in any direction!" 
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