On Thu, May 31, 2007 at 09:34:07PM -0700, Alan DuBoff wrote:

> That means that it was voted on at a meeting but must be off in a faq or 
> minutes somewhere that each community member needs to track down.

A draft of the policy plus a few changes was approved at the 25 April
meeting, and the minutes of that meeting, as well as the completed
policy, were published.  At the 2 May meeting, the actual changes were
then agreed to be those we had approved, although the minutes from
that meeting were not published in a timely fashion.  All three of the
discussion of the policy, the meetings, and the minutes of the meeting
at which the policy was approved were open to the entire OpenSolaris
community.  Due process was most definitely followed.  I'm sorry that
more people did not participate in that process.

However, you are correct in saying that our communication of the new
policy has been lacking.  I am the person responsible for rectifying
that, and I have been tardy in doing so.  For that, I apologise.

> Has the process passed a vote from the OGB, and if so, can you folks let 
> the community know in some type of public announcement?

Yes, and yes.

> Maybe I missed one if it was done, but I don't remember seeing that the 
> constitution and/or process was approved.

The Constitution was approved by the Membership in a formal poll in
March, and those results were announced widely.

Keith M Wesolowski              "Sir, we're surrounded!" 
FishWorks                       "Excellent; we can attack in any direction!" 
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