On Thu, 2007-11-01 at 21:12 -0700, John Plocher wrote:
> I am telling another $foo distro maker that all the $foo distros
> are either compatible, derivative or incompatible $foo distross,
> as defined by the OpenSolaris community.  In addition, the OpenSolaris
> community itself produces a distro that is compatible.

I think "a distro" is unnecessarily constraining.

I would like to hope that the projects in the opensolaris community will
in the fullness of time produce multiple "distros" -- albeit with the
majority being branches very similar to a trunk distribution, and
intended to be merged into the trunk when they're complete.

I think it's healthier for the community to present the current project
indiana release as the first release of a project branch, *not* as
version 0 of the new trunk.

                                        - Bill

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