> > who's running IA64? Only two firms, sgi and hp.
> And Bull, Fujitsu, Hitachi, NEC, UNISYS, and a gamut
> of small beige- 
> box server vendors

Come on. That's such a small niche market. We're talking obscure here. I should 
know, obscure hardware like that (for example the rx Integrity, and Altix as 
well) used to be my breakfast, lunch and dinner.

It's just too obscure, the hardware documentation scarce or NDA. Reverse 
engineering might be fun, but it takes an awful lot of time, which suddenly 
goes buh-buy when you have a family.

And even if I did have the time, getting one or more of these systems in my 
basement and paying the electricity bill, I can't justify the cost.

Not to mention that the main circuit breaker most likely couldn't withstand the 
Amperage demands. I'd have to put three-phase electricity in my house.

> One could say the same about Solaris/SPARC, or

Oh, absolutely! SPARC and POWER are way too overpriced, which is just total and 
complete BS, not to mention that it angers the hell out of customers like me!
And then Sun wonders WHY Solaris and SPARC can't pick up critical mass (and 
believe me, contrary to all the blogging propaganda, they do wonder.)

> They're making great strides currently... Polaris
> boots userland code  
> and the main thing keeping development back is a lack
> of a good  
> simulator or accessible hardware ( the second won't
> be alleviated by  
> an ia64 port, but the first will )

The last I know is that they got the kernel to boot... kind of. And after that, 
the comm went dead silent. And did you notice that Genesi comm also went dead?
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