Shawn Walker wrote:
> Christian Kaiser wrote:
>> Shawn Walker wrote:
>>> Christian Kaiser wrote:
>>>> Christian Kaiser wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> I want to setup a diskless OpenSolaris client. Chapter 7 of the 
>>>>> Solaris System Administration Guide (Basic Administation) explains 
>>>>> how a client can be installed with the help of PXE (not what I am 
>>>>> interested in) and later how a client can be booted with PXE, 
>>>>> pxegrub in my case as it is a x86 machine.
>>>>> I wonder if I can follow the instructions of the guide and if the 
>>>>> packages are available in OpenSolaris because the guide is for 
>>>>> Solaris users and not OpenSolaris, right?
>>>> Can't believe that nobody knows to answer this question...
>>> The short answer is "No";  you can't use that guide for OpenSolaris 
>>> 2008.05.
>>> You might be able to use it for SXCE builds, but I wouldn't expect 
>>> that to hold true in the coming months.
>> But I read of some people that have been booting OpenSolaris of a NFS. 
>> Is that possible?
> With Solaris Express Community Edition, as far as I know, yes.
>> And what about using pxegrub to boot the OpenSolaris Kernel? Is that 
>> possible?
> As far as I'm aware, pxe support, etc. is still in its early stages for 
> the OpenSolaris 2008 distribution.
> You might ask on install-discuss.

This may prove helpful as well:

Shawn Walker
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