Matt Harrison writes:
> My OSOL fileserver has started dropping the ethernet connection every
> now and then. It's very annoying and I can't see what's going on. All I
> know is that network is disrupted and I get messages like this sometimes
> repeated continuously:
> Sep 10 19:03:01 exodus mac: [ID 486395] NOTICE: nge0 link down
> Sep 10 19:03:06 exodus mac: [ID 435574] NOTICE: nge0 link up,
> 100 Mbps, full duplex

What version (nightly build) of code do you have?  I used to see
exactly this problem a long time ago -- it was bad enough that I
plugged in an old 3c509 card to deal with it -- but it hasn't happened
in quite a while.

> What could be happening?

Most likely driver problems.

James Carlson, Solaris Networking              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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