Someone wrote:

> This concerns defects with Firefox3.0.1 running on Solaris 10.

I installed OpenSolaris 2008.05, and bumped it to b98... but...

... I also could not print from Firefox. Argh!  Show-stopper!

I've just installed Solaris 10 u5 (due to the problems printing from
Firefox3) and have encountered similar problems with the "contrib" 
build of Firefox 3.0.1 (on sol10 u5)... ie: can't print any web-pages.

Workaround: printing from native Firefox 2.x on Solaris 10 u5
works OK (tm) with the Blastwave/CSW cups package...

I suggest:

if not being able to print from Firefox3 (on Solaris 10 or OpenSolaris
b98) is a show-stopper for you (like me) - regress to Firefox v2.x on
Solaris 10 u5.

Export bookmarks from FF3 in HTML, then import to FF2.  BTW...!



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