> Ed.: I am doing this on an HP dv6928us notebook which
> is an Intel core2duo system with 3GB/250GB memory.
> In order not to break the warranty, I installed
> os0805 on a USB stick.  Everything works & works
> very well.  However, I have problems booting os0811
> from the USB stick.  If anyone has any update on the
>  status of this problem, please let us know.

Until this problem (i.e., inability to boot os0811 from a USB stick) is solved, 
one option is to install os0811 into an external USB hard drive.

I was surprised that running os0811 from my relatively low-speed USB-powered 
4500 or 5400 RPM 2.5" hard drive actually seems to be snappier than the 
resident Vista.  I suspect the reason may be related to the fact that ZFS 
advantageously loads everything into the RAM.  But you've go to try it to 
really feel it.

A 250GB USB hard drive now costs about $90.  The OpenSolaris LiveCD allows you 
to resize the hard drive during installation.  Thus, if you plan to learn SAMP, 
NetBeans, or Glassfish (Sun provides GREAT documentations and everyone should 
take advantage of this offer especially in light of the fact that we may face a 
long economic uncertainly), you can give your OpenSolaris a very comfy 50GB, 
and still have 200GB to store your other stuffs.
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