James Carlson wrote:
> Is there still a problem here in the networking component itself
> (other than the GUI)?  If so, I'd like to help solve it.

No, after configuring it all by hand, networking is working fine.
The question is, why didn't the GUI find the interface?  Is it
something about this interface on this machine?  Or is this version
of the GUI broken?  I know, this is not the place to ask these

>>> As for the complexity, this is why we strongly recommend using DHCP
>>> for configuration.  That's what it's designed to do, and it makes
>>> things much simpler.
>> Kind of sucks for an NFS server to change its IP address on every reboot.
>> Yes, I know, with sufficient cleverness and control over the DHCP server,
>> I can get it to hand out the same IP address every time.  I find it's
>> actually easier to configure the server itself.  And it's worked on all
>> previous OpenSolaris releases I've used.
> It should not take much cleverness to make this happen.  Unless the
> DHCP server is broken or the address space is overcommitted, you
> should get the same IP address every single time.  That's by design.

That hasn't been my experience.  It often happens, but not always.
Maybe it only changes if the machine has been down for awhile.

> And if you really want a specific one, then nailing that address to a
> specific MAC address or client ID is pretty easy with most decent
> servers.  It's usually just one command.

I was able to do that with a newer Linksys router, but the one I'm using
now is older and it doesn't seem to have that capability.

> And, in fact, it's not even necessary to get addresses from DHCP; it's
> possible to get just the configuration parameters there.  But that is
> a fair bit harder to set up.
> In any event, once you've disabled the 'nwam' service and reenabled
> the 'physical:default' one, the rest of the networking system works
> exactly as it has for many, many years on Solaris.
> Thus, if you're running into trouble here, and if you're already
> familiar with that system (enough so that you consider it "easier"),
> then it sounds like you've encountered a bug of some sort.  It'd be
> good to get some actual command output and details so that we can
> narrow down the cause of the bug.

I'm waiting for feedback from the GUI people.  I'm not convinced that
command output from a correctly working (except GUI) system is going
to be helpful, but here's the ifconfig output:

$ ifconfig -a
lo0: flags=2001000849<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4,VIRTUAL> mtu 8232 
index 1
         inet netmask ff000000
iprb0: flags=201000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4,CoS> mtu 1500 index 2
         inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast
lo0: flags=2002000849<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv6,VIRTUAL> mtu 8252 
index 1
         inet6 ::1/128

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