Jon Trulson wrote:
> Forgive me for the potentially stupid question below, but:
> About month ago I submitted a bug on (6780852).
> I received an email from the 'bug' system advising me that the
> engineer was requesting more data.
> So, onto the question - How exactly am I suposed to edit, add to, or
> respond?  I've gone to the site, searched for the
> bug (  But I
> cannot find any way to edit/change or do anything else with it, other
> than gaze upon it's bleakness.
> Someone want to toss me a clue?

You can't, at the moment.  If you need to add more information, you can 
either email the requesting engineer firstname.lastname AT or 
you can email someone here and they can add it for you.

Shawn Walker
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

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