Ignacio Marambio Catán wrote:
beadm is not hard to use even outside pkg(5), i've used it in the past
to for example have an alternate BE that is xen able

I never said it was hard to use, but obviously having a single command to upgrade your entire system instead of a sequence of them is "less cumbersome."

For example, compare this example using beadm to upgrade from build 110 to 111:

export BE_NAME=snv111
pfexec beadm create $BE_NAME && \
pfexec mkdir /tmp/mnt$$ && \
pfexec beadm mount $BE_NAME /tmp/mnt$$ && \
pfexec pkg -R /tmp/mnt$$ image-update -v
pfexec beadm unmount $BE_NAME
pfexec beadm activate $BE_NAME

...to this example using the pkg command:

pfexec pkg image-update -v --be-name snv111

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