Hi All,

This is to announce availability of NexentaCore Platform 2.0 RC3.

The changes since RC2 include:
- Man-db fix
- Opensolaris kernel fixes

Release Highlights:
* OpenSolaris build 104+ based with critical patches.
* Over 13000 packages in the repository, thanks to the autobuilder.
* Smooth upgrade path from NCP1.
* Community driver efforts bringing xorg, xfce4 and gnome-core into
the repository
* Based on Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron) repository
* This includes latest dpkg/apt, gcc, binutils, coreutils,
 perl, python, ruby, Qt libs, GTK libs, etc
* SMF support added for server applications like apache, mysql,
 postgresql, exim4, etc.
* 100% native Debian environment, easy to upgrade, easy to use.
* Includes Vim and screen by default.
* Addition of latest devzone version to the CD.
* Includes apt-clone which brings zfs power to apt-get.

* Download : http://www.nexenta.org/os/Download
* StormOS : http://www.stormos.org
* IRC : #nexenta @ freenode
* Package listing: http://builder.tajinc.org/?f=repository_status

The Nexenta Team
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

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