Thanks, Jim!
I was very used to disable nwam. I'll do it this way.
Best regards,


On Sun, 2009-07-05 at 21:37 -0600, Jim Walker wrote:
> Neil Dewkinandan wrote:
> > I've installed OSOL-0906 and I'm having problems setting a static IP
> > address. I tried searching on Google also but non of it helped. Can
> > someone list the steps necessary to go from DHCP to a static IP?
> > 
> I recommend you keep nwam running and edit the llp file to
> add the static nodes:
> I normally edit /etc/hosts to have the correct values also,
> then set the default router using:
> % pfexec route -p add default <defrouteip>
> Then restart nwam:
> % pfexec svcadm restart nwam
> This is normally an easier and more persistent solution
> than disabling nwam.
> Cheers,
> Jim
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