paul richie wrote:
ok this helps some now for the other part thats getting me about the install. i 
am used to doing this

sudo apt-get install flash
(i renamed my flash driver (flash) to make it easer to install

so you say that i need to use (pfexec) insted of (sudo) so i did this

pfexec apt-get install flash

my terminal gave me this message in fact hear is a past from the terminal
ric...@broken_locks:~$ pfexec apt-get install flash
apt-get: Command not found

well i know this has got to be the moist basic question but the noob is stuck

thanks for the help
Hey Paul,

You would issue: pfexec pkg install <pkgname>
There are some noob docs here as well:


Steven Acres
Toronto OpenSolaris User Group <TOROSUG>
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