> Oracle is not exactly known as being
> friendly to open
> source software

This statement is not exactly fair.  Oracle has been one of the major 
contributors to the Linux kernel.  Also, Oracle was "the" first elite company 
to port its mainstream products to the Linux platform (this move gave Linux 
instant credibility, not unlike what Sun did for AMD's Opteron).

Many of the Linux old farts like myself still remember this heroic move by 
Larry Ellison; however, I am not seeing AMD reciprocating Sun's favor 
(regarding providing enhanced ATI driver for Solaris).

Oracle people often mentioned that one of the main reasons they like Linux is 
that it is easy to find Linux administrators.  Based on this logic, it would be 
very unwise to eof OpenSolaris, as doing so will cut off the supply of new 
blood for Solaris adms (assuming that OpenSolaris is architectured to bring in 
new bloods).
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