> (3) After the installation process is done, only SSH and mail should be 
> running.

> Done since the Secure by Default project integrated a few years ago.

Yes, but I just had to do the following two commands on an OpenSolaris Indiana 
snv_129 server that a client was evaluating:

#svcadm disable multicast:default
#svcadm disable cups/scheduler:default

so cups and multicast dns were running in the default install, which is fine 
and dandy on a desktop, such as the OpenSolaris desktop I do work on, but I was 
going to benchmark this server for a client to show them what OpenSolaris can 
(or can't) do as a minimalized headless server and I'm trying to squeeze out 
every last bit of performance here. 

It's not going to be a print server so there's no need for cups ;-)
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