On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 9:54 PM, Michael Kerpan <mjker...@kerpan.com> wrote:
> Given that Oracle's acquisition of Sun is now all, for all practical
> purposes, a done deal, does anybody know what's going to happen to
> OpenSolaris?

Watch the webcasts, and try to guess the same way the rest of us have to.

> Oracle is not exactly known as being friendly to open
> source software and given that the SPARC+Solaris+Oracle stack is
> likely to be at the core of Oracle's business model, I'm worried that
> OpenSolaris is going to go away.

Depends what you mean by OpenSolaris. Community? Website?
Sun's distro? Code base? User groups? Brand?

> This seems especially likely given
> that Oracle PR folks didn't even mention OpenSolaris when they
> discussed the future of various Sun FOSS projects earlier today.

It's worrying, but they did spend a lot of time talking about Solaris.
Given Sun's executive ability to interchange the words and inability
to correctly differentiate, I would be surprised if Oracle suddenly got
the Solaris/OpenSolaris distinction from day one.

> I've
> never really used it in a serious context, but I have experimented
> with it and would be quite saddened if Oracle were to kill it off!

Given the emphasis on investing in and developing Solaris, and the fact
that OpenSolaris is the development mechanism for Solaris, then killing
OpenSolaris seems an unlikely course of action.

That said, I don't expect business as usual. I would imagine that Oracle
have a different philosophy and different goals, and that the shape of
OpenSolaris and the community around it will change and adapt to fit
that world. So what I want to know is what shape will the overall
OpenSolaris family take in this new world?

(And no, the OGB aren't privy to any secrets here.)

-Peter Tribble
http://www.petertribble.co.uk/ - http://ptribble.blogspot.com/
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