On Sun, Apr 4, 2010 at 12:38 PM, HeCSa <hsalt...@gmail.com> wrote:
> We need something clear and direct appearing in the opensolaris.org homepage
> pointing to the official information about the future of OpenSolaris, Oracle
> and the communities, etc.

To date, with the possible exception of Dan's comments on IRC during
the election [below], there has been absolutely NO official
information from Oracle about the future of OpenSolaris, Oracle and
the communities, etc.

So, to be pedantically correct, the current home page *does* show
exactly everything that has been said officially by Oracle:  Nothing.

Many of us wish there was a more verbose statement.


[IRC log from 
edited here by plocher to remove join/quit noise from the transcript]

+[12:06] * DanR (~chatzi...@nat/sun/x-tbazbldvpztcwjjh) has joined
+[12:06] <ptribble> DanR: welcome
+[12:07] <DanR> ptribble: Thanks
+[12:07] <bubbva> hi DanR ! any word on any official communications? I
know you were hoping "soon" :)
+[12:07] <DanR>  So we do know a few things now, as I discussed on the
OGB call a couple days ago...
+[12:07] <ptribble> (How's about that for putting Dan on the spot?)
+[12:08] <DanR> Yeah, thanks... :)
+[12:08] <DanR> So, here's what we can say:
+[12:09] * bubbva listens intently :)
+[12:09] <DanR> Oracle will continue to make OpenSolaris available as
open source, and Oracle will continue to actively support and
participate in the community
+[12:09] <DanR> Oracle is investing more in Solaris than Sun did prior
to the acquisition, and will continue to contribute technologies to
OpenSolaris, as Oracle already does for many other open source
+[12:11] <DanR> Oracle is committed to supporting our customers
+[12:12] <bda> DanR: Does that include x86, or will the heavy focus on
SPARC override further x86 development/support?
+[12:13] <DanR> And Oracle will ensure customers running OpenSolaris
have an option for support on Oracle Sun Systems where it's required,
though given the very little sales here this will not be something we
expect many customers to deploy going forward. Solaris is our focus,
on both SPARC and x86.
+[12:13] <bda> DanR: The recent patch policy changes to Solaris were a
major concern; given all the SPARC talk, we were worried x86 would
+[12:14] <bda> Given the lack of communication there, it is driving
platform change considerations for a lot of shops.
+[12:14] <DanR> Oracle will also continue to deliver OpenSolaris
releases, including the upcoming OpenSolaris 2010.03 release.
+[12:14] <reflect> sun.com used to be a.. quite good looking page..
for the past ten years. it had information for both managers and
techs.. however, it now seems to be very tough to find tech
information for any of the old Sun hardware.. will this be fixed?
+[12:14] <bda> So OpenSolaris really is becoming Fedora? ;-)
+[12:15] <reflect> it used to be very easy to navigate, now.. not so much
+[12:16] <DanR> The patch decision is aligned with how Oracle does
business in other areas as well, patches are delivered for customers
but not for free. So it's consistent, that doesn't define a platform
future at all. x86 is the core of our Storage appliances for example,
we're not going away from it at all. Though clearly we make more money
on SPARC so there is more of an emphasis given the customer base.
+[12:17] <bda> DanR: Completely understandable. My company (and I
imagine most others) value consistancy heavily. :)
+[12:17] <DanR> For the web transition, we're working hard to simply
things and the same leader for example that ran BigAdmin previously
now is in charge of creating the community inside of OTN which will
now include a place for admins, developers and architects for Solaris
and Systems
+[12:17] <bda> The lack of communication beforehand means we couldn't
buy support contracts before the patches were pulled, however.
Hopefully that was just an oversight.
+[12:18] <tsoome> well, closing up security pathes can be considered
ill behaviour from vendor.
+[12:18] <bda> tsoome: Agreed. But it's done. Perhaps OpenSolaris
security/support policy will change as money is less of a driver
+[12:19] <ptribble> DanR: what about open development in the future?
+[12:19] <tsoome> and it will cut off people from even considering
*solaris, meaning no money for oracle anyhow.
+[12:20] <reflect> tsoome: what will cut it off?
+[12:20] <bda> reflect: The lack of free security updates.
+[12:21] <reflect> hm
+[12:22] <DanR> ptribble: Oracle will continue to develop technologies
in the open, as we do today. There may be some things we choose not to
open source going forward, similar to how MySQL manages certain value
add at the top of the stack. It's important to understand the plan now
is to deliver value again out of our IP investment, while at the same
time measuring that with continuing to deliver...
+[12:22] <tsoome> well you can argue its open source and fix yourself
or buy support, but not many people are able to fix things, nor buy
+[12:22] <DanR> ...OpenSolaris in the open. This will be a balancing
act, one that we'll get right some times but may not always.
+[12:22] <reflect> yes, it would. is there any indication whatsoever
the previous 20-30-year practice would change?
+[12:23] <bda> tsoome: shrug. Follow /dev. Oracle likes making money,
unlike Sun, so... I'll pay for support fees. :)
+[12:24] <bda> DanR: I don't suppose you can speak to specifics about
the future of Solaris at this point?
+[12:24] <cypromoto> Do you have an example what will not be developed
in the open ?
+[12:24] <ptribble> So the core is open, but you still have extra
value-add like fishworks/analytics?
+[12:26] * bda has been waiting for a database toaster to be announced. ;-)
+[12:27] <DanR> bda: Oracle handles roadmaps very differently than Sun
did for regulartory reasons, so futures for Solaris are not something
I can speak to specifically. it's a change we're still getting use to
our our side to, though hopefully many of the public statements are
very clear that Solaris is our now #1 Enterprise OS and we will
increase investment. We won't be able to talk about specific...
+[12:27] <DanR> ...features but the future is very bright.
+[12:27] <DanR> crypromoto: no, as per the roadmap discussion, I can't
speak to specific new features and how they'll be developed.
+[12:27] <bda> DanR: Good enough. Thanks.
+[12:28] <tsoome> so we can expect stuff like proper integration of
oracle db and dataguard (broker) with sun cluster in both rac and fail
over setup?:P
+[12:28] <DanR> ptribble: Yes, core is open and we'll add stuff on top.
+[12:28] <bda> Will the existing OpenSolaris community (e.g., the OGB)
be maintained?
+[12:28] * bda has no idea how Oracle manages its communities.
+[12:29] <cypromoto> Bda i think they neither
+[12:29] <reflect> so basically.. solaris will be as open as it is
now, for the foreseeable future?
+[12:29] <DanR> tsoome: Integration with Oracle applications is a top
priority! Specifics are wait and see... :)
+[12:30] <TechJournalist> DanR: for 'regular' users and contributor to
Open Solaris - do you figure that anything will change in terms of how
open solaris is delivered and how developers contribute?
+[12:30] <reflect> DanR: and the prospective customers that simply
does not care about oracle.. what about lustrefs and the like?
+[12:33] <DanR> TechJournalist: Love to see the tech journal crowd
participating! And yes, regular users will find things mostly
unchanged. Contributors also.
+[12:34] <DanR> reflect: I can't speak for lustrefs as it's not a
product in my area, would connect with the folks in their community.
+[12:35] <reflect> then I thank you for your time
+[12:35] <ptribble> DanR: do you see any implications for the other
OpenSolaris-based distros?
+[12:38] <cypromoto> Good q. Ptribble
+[12:39] <cypromoto> Is therre going to be a change in the relation to them ?
+[12:39] <DanR> ptribble: No, as previously once we went to the
distribution model with OpenSolaris I expected they would need to find
their value add area or niche and I don't think this changes that at
all. They can still do want they want based on CDDL.
+[12:40] <cypromoto> Superb
+[12:41] <ptribble> DanR: Thanks
+[12:43] <ptribble> DanR: Oracle reached out to the user groups. I've
been wondering whether the user groups would remain as an integral
part of our community, or be pushed towards being the OpenSolaris part
of the wider Oracle user group ecosystem?
+[12:46] <DanR> ptribble: Probably the later, they have a good
infrastructure there and a team that will work with them going
forward. My team has a new set of goals based on our roles so won't be
able to provide as much direct support. I certainly do expect them to
continue to participate in the broader community though for sure.
+[12:47] <cypromoto> Can I have that decrypted ?
+[12:48] <cypromoto> That means oracle would like the osugs to
integrate into oracle ug ?
+[12:48] <ptribble> DanR: that was my impression as well, which would
change the structure of the community a bit and could be a bone of
+[12:49] * cypromoto reserves some sdcards to film that culture clash
+[12:50] <ptribble> cypromoto: there's also what Oracle might want and
what the Oracle User Groups (which are independent bodies, some are
even companies) might want..
+[12:50] <cypromoto> Yep
+[12:50] <cypromoto> I guess it will be trouble down to. The dressing code
+[12:52] <ClayB_laptop> So far, RMOUG (Rocky Mountain Oracle User
Group) has been very friendly and welcoming to us at FROSUG (Front
Range OpenSolaris User Group) but some groups may be different.
+[12:52] <DanR> ptribble: On this last piece there is no hard
definition of how the user groups, which are separate bodies, should
function back with a community like OpenSolaris. The support User
Groups get from Oracle will now come from the main User Group folks,
however the user groups themselves should work out what makes sense
with the community here.
+[12:54] <DanR> cypromoto: No, opensolaris user groups do not need to
integrate into Oracle User groups, some may, some may not, up to them.
Only their support from Oracle comes from 1 place.
+[12:54] <cypromoto> Ah ok
+[12:54] <brendang> I'll try
+[12:55] <madwizard> DanR: Any thought on changes in Certification?
With Oracle the path is: first certificate is just a certificate fee,
but second and third is certificate fee and some onhand training
+[12:56] <madwizard> DanR: With Sun one could take any level without
taking trainings
+[12:56] <madwizard> Will that change in Sun's certification requirements?
+[12:57] <madwizard> Also, who in the hell makes Polish translations
of Oracle page? :P
+[12:57] <DanR> madwizard: Good question, not sure. If you send me
email (dan . roberts @ sun . com, omit spaces) I'll connect you up
with the folks to find out.
+[12:58] <hecsa> Hi! I'm Hernan Saltiel
+[12:58] <alanc> Oracle posted a FAQ on Sun -> Oracle Certification
changes earlier this week to
+[12:58] <madwizard> DanR: Ok, thanx
+[12:58] <madwizard> alanc: thanx
+[12:59] * alanc saw that on the @Oracle twitter feed this week
+[13:00] <madwizard> Ah, I don;t follow ORacle yet
+[13:01] <hecsa> Hi, DanR! May I ask a question about certification to you?
+[13:01] <ptribble> DanR: any word on the possible announcement you
mentioned on Tuesday?
+[13:03] <DanR> ptribble: No, should see more in the next couple weeks though.
+[13:04] <madwizard>
http://hub.opensolaris.org/bin/view/Community+Group+ogb/2010 lacks
+[13:04] <madwizard> Alan Burlison and Tim Foster
+[13:05] <DanR> All, will have to drop, feel free to let me know if
you have other questions off line. And happy to be invited back... I
do try to read everything on opensolaris-discuss and advocacy, but not
always able to respond. Hopefully will be able to do more going
forward. Cheers! Dan
+[13:05] <madwizard> See you
+[13:05] <ptribble> DanR: many thanks for dropping by!
+[13:05] <madwizard> Glad you made it
+[13:05] <hecsa> I'll do, Dan.
+[13:06] * DanR (~chatzi...@nat/sun/x-tbazbldvpztcwjjh) Quit (Quit:
ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.5.8/20100202152834])
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