You (Edward Ned Harvey) wrote:
> > And you're talking about the OpenSolaris.COM binary distribution
> > identifing
> > itself as SunOS 5.11... Don't know, if that applies to Nexenta,
> > Schillix,
> > Belenix
> I don’t know about Nexenta etc, either.  But the emphasis on "COM" isn't
> right.  I got opensolaris 2009.06 from, and fully updated to
> developer build, and it's still identified as SunOS 5.11.

Yes, it is the binary distribution from Sun, that's also available as download
from OpenSolaris.ORG. Still, as I mentioned, it's important to understand the
DIFFERENCES in the three things:

Solaris 10
OpenSolaris (the open source community development)
OpenSolaris (the binary distribution based on the above open source platform)

I know, the official names for the things are different!

Matthias Pfützner | Tel.: +49 700 PFUETZNER      | The SUN was in fact
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