I've ported part of Chromium to Solaris.
The code of the part of Chromium is used in Firefox next release.
Also Webkit is ported to Solaris.

But I don't have time or interest to port the whole Chromium at this time.


On Apr 30, 2010, at 9:39 AM, Richard L. Hamilton wrote:

> Since Opera is fast and leaks memory less than Firefox, this stinks.
> Has anyone ported Chromium (the open source of Chrome) to Solaris?
> That wouldn't do all the other stuff that Opera does, but it would make
> an impressive browser.  It _would_ do one thing that Opera does, namely
> provide a rendering engine alternative to Firefox and Seamonkey.
> WebKit does pretty well - I have very few times when I have to use
> Firefox instead of Safari on my Mac.
> -- 
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