On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 6:33 PM, Denny <linuxm...@4lin.net> wrote:
> hi,
> I want to move from a Linux (Debian Lenny) based RootServer (Hetzner) to 
> OSOL. At the moment my Box runs under Xen and Debian Lenny with four virtual 
> hosts. Now I don't know what is better. Web, Mail and Jabber are own virtual 
> hosts. All runs with standard applications, like Postfix, Apache2, ejabberd 
> so, what es the better way. Should I stay on Xen, or get i better performance 
> with zones (brandz, for Linux if I need) ?
> Any suggestions?

Brandz to run Linux would be a bad idea because it was recently "end
of featured" and removed from the source.


Supposedly there is going to be a new release of OpenSolaris in the
first half of 2010.  Oracle ends their "quiet period" before
announcing financial results on June 24.  Given the quiet period and
the "first half" commitment, that means that in 7 - 12 days there is a
high likelihood that there will be a new OpenSolaris release.  It
would probably be smart to see what that release contains before
making a decision on Xen vs. VirtualBox.

Mike Gerdts
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

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