> hi,
> I want to move from a Linux (Debian Lenny) based
> RootServer (Hetzner) to OSOL. At the moment my Box

I use already OpenSolaris at Hetzner for my websites but I'm still porting them 
from a Ubuntu Linux system to OSOL.
I can already give you some advices:
1. Install a Intel e1000 network card (some costs of installation + flexi pack)
2. Install a KVM-PCI card (149 EUR installation costs) (you will probably use 
it after upgrading OSOL)
3. Upgrade to snv134 WITHOUT upgrading the zpool's because Hetzners OSOL rescue 
system uses snv111. You will no more be able to mount via ZFS from the rescue 
system your partitions if you upgrade the zpools (I have not tested, but I 
don't want to restart to configure again my whole system).

-> snv111 is too unstable if you uses zones and IPv4 forwarding with NAT.

> runs under Xen and Debian Lenny with four virtual
> hosts. Now I don't know what is better. Web, Mail and
> Jabber are own virtual hosts. All runs with standard
> applications, like Postfix, Apache2, ejabberd so,
> what es the better way. Should I stay on Xen, or get
> i better performance with zones (brandz, for Linux if
> I need) ?

The performance of Zones should be 10 times faster than Xen but I have not 
compared it.
Zones uses a complete different technology than Xen. Xen emulates a 
PC-compatible system, zones uses running user-space processes isolated in a own 
operating system environment.

brandz: works well but I read its unstable and no more supported. It works for 
me only with Scientific Linux.
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