the reason for the delay in
> OpenSolaris 2010.?? release is because they are also
> working on synchronising the feature set with Solaris
> 11 and running lots of tests to confirm that
> customers on OpenSolaris support contracts will be
> able to migrate successfully to Solaris 11.
> But hey, what do I know, maybe they're spending all
> the time unpicking the mess after a global
> s/Sun/Oracle/g patch went badly wrong, e.g.
> make: oraclecc compiler not found!
> Graham

 it was one of Mr. Ellison's quotes from a  recent interview, gave me the 
outlook of a "science project " 

"It's picking the Sun technologies that are commercializable and focusing on 
those, and ignoring those that are not. They are just science projects," said 

And that quote from Mr. Ellison is what made me say this:

I think Oracle is going to keep it simple; Solaris is for the enterprise and 
Opensolaris is a science project. And since oracle is doing so well selling 
solaris and other software to the enterprise, why release new opensolaris now? 
when business is booming, I think they will release it when they see fit. their 
main objective is bringing in revenue and justifying the money they payed for 
SUN and they are doing well at that.
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