If that post doesn't get your account suspended....  Totally inappropriate 

But I also guess if you are pro-OpenSolaris then you'll be good to go and can 
say anything you want (and smiley faces make it okay).

2009.06 is not less than a year old.  I supoose they froze the build and it 
went through security and other testing in one day.  It takes FreeBSD 1-2 weeks 
after the announcement and the announcement is made after the build.  Builds 
are only after RC's.  So I doubt all of that prep work was done that quickly.  
Besides, July is only three days away and 90.06 was release June 1, 2009.  So 
that makes it no less than 13 months old.  So with the other work before the 
release it is closer to 14 months old.

And the other operating systems I printed release dates for are RELEASES.  I'm 
not talking about development releases like you mentioned.  If I were to do 
that the list would be too long.  All of those are RELEASES.  OpenSolaris 
hasn't had a RELEASE in 13 months (and it's 14 months old).  z/OS has even had 
2 releases since the last OpenSolaris RELEASE.  AIX has v7 soon, but has had a 
number of updates for 5.3 and 6.1.
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