> Its difficult for me to even state what interest I
> even had with this OS anymore. I started trying to
> familiarize myself with some of this in 2005 but
> stayed clear of the whole Indiana .com debate.  Now
> sxce is dead and gone so you have to deal with this
>  can of worms.

IPS doesn't bother me (since one can still install 3rd party SVR4 packages too).

The GNOME desktop, which was inevitable before Indiana, does bother me
insofar as it's slow and resource hungry compared to CDE (although it seems
to have gotten somewhat better, and it's open, which is a plus, if not as
good as something that _works_ better, and to [bleep] with cosmetics).

Some other folks have previously retrofitted OpenLook binaries onto later
OS releases that didn't have them anymore.  Maybe I'll try to repackage
(for my own use only) older CDE binaries and see if they'll still work on
Indiana.  Won't be supported, but it should work.

Some of the other stuff...mixed.

My problem with Indiana is mostly that 2/3 of where I could run it
(my systems at home) are older SPARC for which there is no Xsun support
at present.  On my Mac (under VirtualBox, since it's tedious to set up a
Mac to triple-boot, and I already have to have XP on there for a few
gadgets that only can be updated from XP, plus the service manual on
CD for one of my cars, that can only be viewed with IE), OpenSolaris
seems about the same to me as the last SXCE, except that I still prefer CDE
(having used it since it first came to Suns).

Unfortunately, it seems to take quite a bit of RAM to do an OS build,
at least it did the last time I tried; giving the guest OS all I could without
killing the host entirely (maybe 1.5GB), I couldn't get a build to complete.
(it would be nice to have updated figures on how much VM it really takes
to do a build)

If I can't realistically do builds on my home systems, there's not much point
in my getting crazy over when the latest updates will come out...
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